Goals and Objectives


MSS Goals for teachers, administration, and staff:

They strive to:

1) meet the high calling of educating our international students as described in our Mission Statement,

2) contribute to the international students’ sense of belonging and well-being,

3) manage the international students’ documents and record-keeping requirements, and

4) deliver challenging, quality instruction that benefits international students both culturally and academically.

MSS Principal Objectives for Our Teachers:

  • Our teachers ensure that students upon completion of a program will demonstrate 87% competency in speaking, reading, and writing.
  • Our teachers will be able to apply popular media forms in the classroom instruction to raise the level of student involvement as well as broaden and enrich the learning experience
  • Our teachers will demonstrate competency in encouraging cultural interaction and sharing related to lesson themes.
  • Our teachers will demonstrate skillful teaching based on accreditation standards and Student Learning Outcomes
  • Our teachers will be able to manage a multicultural class that promotes respect, acceptance, and friendliness among all class members.

MSS Teachers, Leading by Example

The Main Street Schoolhouse Language Institute expects our students to make the highest scores and achieve the highest degree of competency, and our teachers lead by example.

We want students:

-to get an 87% or higher score on their English post test

-to learn and be fluent in English

-to demonstrate competency in writing, reading, and speaking

We want teachers:

-to achieve the highest scores in teaching

-to learn more about teaching in conferences and webinars

-to demonstrate competency in teaching the way students understand the best


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