Academic Program

Our Mission

Main Street Schoolhouse Language Institute is a unique multicultural school that prepares post-graduate international students to attain English skills in small interactive classes to continue their professional goals in U.S. Universities or to excel in their career choice, and provides activities and services that promote friendship and cultural transition.


Program Description

Academic Program is created to fit the college bound student with the higher skills in all the areas that will be tested in the TOEFL or IELTS admission tests, as well as to provide helpful test-taking strategies. The student who demonstrates proficiency in the Academic Program is ready to apply for AB/BS college admission.

In order to be enrolled in Academic Program the student must pass advanced level of Progressive English curriculum, or score over 87% on Orientation Placement Test.

Hours and Length of the Program

There is one course per quarter, equals to 18 hours per week. The courses are rotated so Academic students get a variety of Reading, Writing, and Test Prep.  For this reason we recommends that a student remains in the Academic Program for a minimum of 3 quarters. There are 8 courses, equals to 2 years of study for students who choose to remain longer, until they feel academically confident, or until the college admission is complete. The normal maximum length of Academic Program is 8 quarters (2 years). Considering that students are allowed to retake each course 1 time, the extended maximum length of the Program is 16 quarters (4 years).

Academic Program Class Offerings

Academic Writing I: Paragraphs to Essays. The course teaches writing academic paragraphs and beginning essays all the while improving writing style, correcting mechanical errors, and eliminating grammar mistakes. There is personal and interactive classroom instruction. Students will get extensive practice with grammar structures that pose the most difficulties and by the end of the course students should see improvement in their English skills.

Academic Writing II: Advanced Essays. A sequel to Academic Writing I, this course focuses entirely on essay writing, and different genres of essays.

Academic Reading I: Reading Skills for College. The course teaches students to read academic articles and literature, focusing on reading strategies, comprehension, and interactive discussions on academic subjects. By the end of this course students should see improvement in their reading speed and their understanding when reading complex texts.

Academic Reading II: Advanced Reading Skills for College. This course helps students to be more effective and confident readers by providing high-interest readings on academic subjects and by teaching them skills and strategies for effective reading, vocabulary building, note-taking, and critical thinking.

IELTS Test Preparation. The course teaches test-taking strategies in the various areas of testing to accomplish the passing score required for college admission, or to improve English communication for business careers. The critical-thinking component is enhanced by social media assignments. By the end of this course students should see enhancement in their reading, writing, listening and speaking English skills, and should be able to apply test-taking strategies when taking the IELTS Academic Test.

TOEFL Test Preparation. A course to study the test-taking strategies of the various areas of testing, strengthen the main skills of English learning (reading, listening, speaking, and writing), to aid students in getting the score desired for college admission requirements, and to improve English communication in the academic and professional settings.

Content Area English. A course to enrich the advanced student’s vocab in general academic subjects he will encounter in college classes. The student chooses a textbook of interest, and uses the workbook to explore the topic by searching for definitions and answering discussion points.

Special Class : Public Speaking (to be announced).

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Application and Tuition Information

If you think you are ready for admission click HERE to apply. Please keep in mind, in order to be enrolled in Academic Program you must score over 87% on Orientation Placement Test or pass advanced level of Progressive English curriculum. In other words, we enroll only advanced students in Academic Program.

Program costs $300 per month. There is a $100 registration fee for new transfer students, and all students make a $50 technology fee once a year, usually on Orientation Day. Additional book fee may apply.

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